Sport & Rec Applications
From the waters of the most intense boat races in the world to the Super Bowl gridiron, almost every sport has found an application for carbon or glass fiber composites. Composite can be used to upgrade sports equipment used to protect athletes or to upgrade the venues that host the games themselves.
Composites Reduce Weight of Helmet That Protects Motorcyclists

Motorcycle racing makes big demands on an athlete’s body. With riders traveling in excess of 150 mph, even a small reduction in the weight of protective equipment can make a big difference on how they feel after a 45-minute race. Helmet manufacturer Bell PowerSports has taken advantage of advanced composite technology to reduce the weight of its top-of-the-line motorcycle racing helmet by 21 percent.
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Australian Company Makes Foldable Boat with Fiberglass

The marine industry has seen its share of lightweight and inflatable boats, but a rigid, foldable boat is something new, according to Deryck Graham, managing director of Australian-based Quickboats. The 11 pieces of his company’s 12-foot watercraft store in two canvas bags and can be assembled with “quick-click” connects in just about a minute. The “nose” of the foredeck, a transom and benches for the captain and passengers provide the necessary structure to keep the boat open and rigid.
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Cameron Aircrafts Uses Composites to Improve Hydroplane Hulls

It usually takes about 6,000 parts to build a replica of a classic hydroplane race boat. When a piece is damaged – a fairly common occurrence – the boat builders have to replace it by molding its replacement and inserting it into the boat’s body. Murdo Cameron, a hydroplane enthusiast and owner of Cameron Aircrafts, has developed an alternative: a two-part composite hull that will make repairs much simpler and less expensive.
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