Pipe & Tank Applications
FRP pipe and tank installations are on the rise – above and below ground, in commercial, municipal and residential applications. Low-cost natural gas leads to the development of new chemical facilities and the expansion of older ones for chemical processing. That, in turn, creates demand for FRP pipes.
Composite Piping Key to Success of New California Desalination Plant

As the California drought enters its fifth year, finding new sources of clean water becomes even more important for the state. A new desalination plant from Poseidon Water is now supplying as many as 50 million gallons of high-quality drinking water to 300,000 residents of northern San Diego County. IDE Technologies has designed, built and will operate the desalination plant, which is located in Carlsbad.
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Daniel Company Uses GFRP in Odor-Removing Plant Filters

The odors that emanate from water and sewage treatment plants make them unpopular neighbors. But Daniel Company, based in California, is designing and manufacturing biotrickling filters (BTFs) that remove most of the odor from the plants’ discharges in an environmentally friendly way. At the heart of a BTF system is the Thiobacillus bacterium that feeds on the hydrogen sulfide and other compounds that the plant produces during treatment.
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Composite Rainwater Tanks Contribute to LEED Platinum Rating

When a Texas couple wanted to build an environmentally-friendly home, underground water storage tanks made from composite materials helped them earn a Platinum LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) rating from the U.S. Green Building Council. Platinum is the highest LEED rating a building can receive. Since their area of Texas is prone to droughts, the homeowners wanted to capture every drop of rainwater possible to use as potable water.
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